
Who are we?

The Access Missouri Project is funded by the Interdisciplinary Innovations Fund at the University Missouri. It was created by KBIA, Expressive Analytics, and the MU Informatics Institute. Partners include Missouri Digital News, the MU Department of Political Science, the Truman School of Public Affairs and the late David Valentine.

Where does our data come from?

The data available on this site is aggregated from a variety of sources including:

The Access Missouri team also scrapes data from legislative journals and vote records to offer more insight into legislative action. Because of the nature of this data, coming from multiple sources and storage formats, it is prone to errors. Please let us know of any issues you find by contacting us through the form below or by using the "report page" button at the bottom of each page.

Who can make use of this information?

Voters, politicians, journalists, and researchers can all benefit from the content available from Access Missouri. Here are just a few of the things you can do: